The Fenton High School Band Boosters meet every month, beginning in September and continuing through May or June, when the last meeting is held. The Band Boosters are an integral part of the success of our program. By having a student in the Band Program, a parent or guardian is automatically a member of the Band Boosters Organization and may vote at meetings. All parents of band students are invited and encouraged to attend the band booster meetings. The Band Boosters can be reached by sending an email to the following Executive Board Officers:
President, Debbie LaVanway - [email protected]
Vice President, Scott Holmes - [email protected]
Treasurer, Erica Barber - [email protected]
Secretary, Becky Levi - [email protected]
Band Camp Coordinator, Tisha Andrews - [email protected]
Fundraising Coordinator, Debbie LaVanway - [email protected]
Social Media Manager, Erica Dennis - [email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator, Tisha Andrews - [email protected]
There are many ways to show your support of your student and the Band Program. Just coming to football games and band concerts to cheer on the band makes a big difference. If you are interested in helping at events, providing refreshments, chaperoning trips – let the Directors know! Everyone has a talent or interest that can be put to good use. Every parent of a band student is automatically a member of the Band Boosters organization and it is this group of parents that provides the foundation, supporting the Band Program and the Director.
Running a successful program costs money, and unfortunately our school budget does not cover many of the necessities. Fundraising is an important part of Program. There are two kinds of fundraisers in the Band Program. Monies raised through general fundraising activities are designated primarily to assist in purchasing necessary equipment, purchasing music, providing uniforms, providing water for the band at football games, hosting receptions for visiting bands, providing award letters and flowers, etc. Specific fundraisers will be designed to allow students to raise money for their own accounts (see “Student Accounts”) as well as help offset the cost of marching band.
The student individual accounts are maintained by the Band Boosters Treasurer. These accounts are in place to keep track of monies earned by the students through specific fundraising efforts. Monies in these accounts are carried over year after year until the student graduates, at which time any monies left in the student’s account will automatically roll into the general fund. If a student discontinues band at any time during their high school career or if they move out of the school district, the monies in their accounts will go to the general fund. Upon graduation and/or leaving the Band Program, a student may not “will” their account dollars to another student except in the following circumstance: a graduating senior may designate their student account balance to be transferred to a sibling who is an incoming freshman to the Band Program the following school year (e.g., the older sibling graduates in June and the younger sibling enters the Band Program in September).
Students may use their account monies to help pay for Band Camp, to help pay for Band related trips, instrument supplies or repair, or for other costs they incur that are related directly to their participation in the Band Program. To use their student account funds, the student must obtain a payment request form from the Band Director. The completed form must then be returned to the Band Booster mailbox in the Band Room, Attn: Treasurer.
This policy was established by the Band Boosters and the Director of Bands to recognize the fact that the student earns his or her funds under the banner of the Fenton High School Band Program, and must not profit in any auxiliary way from band fundraising.
Letters are awarded once in a Band Members career, in May. Earning a Letter in Band is based on the following requirements:
A Chevron will be awarded for each year a student participates in the Marching Band. A student who completes four years with the Fenton Band Program could earn (1) Letter, (3) Bars, (4) Chevrons.
Upon completion of their final spring concert, seniors will receive an honor medal on a white ribbon, to be worn at graduation. In addition, seniors who have given four years of dedication are eligible to be recognized with one of four national honors; The John Philip Sousa Award for student leadership, The Instrumentalist Award for Musicianship, the Semper Fedelis Award and The Louis Armstrong Award for Jazz Achievement.
Established in 2002, this scholarship award is presented annually to a graduating senior who will be pursuing music and/or Band in college. The Fenton High School Scholarship Committee selects the recipient based on their academic grades and participation in the Band Program. Last years award amount was $500.00.
Established in 2016, the Bob Archbold Memorial Scholarship award is presented annually to a graduating senior whose life has been positively impacted by the band program. The Fenton High School Scholarship Committee selects the recipient based on their academic grades and participation in the Band Program. Last years award amount was $500.00.
To view our monthly booster minutes, please click the link below.
President, Debbie LaVanway - [email protected]
Vice President, Scott Holmes - [email protected]
Treasurer, Erica Barber - [email protected]
Secretary, Becky Levi - [email protected]
Band Camp Coordinator, Tisha Andrews - [email protected]
Fundraising Coordinator, Debbie LaVanway - [email protected]
Social Media Manager, Erica Dennis - [email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator, Tisha Andrews - [email protected]
There are many ways to show your support of your student and the Band Program. Just coming to football games and band concerts to cheer on the band makes a big difference. If you are interested in helping at events, providing refreshments, chaperoning trips – let the Directors know! Everyone has a talent or interest that can be put to good use. Every parent of a band student is automatically a member of the Band Boosters organization and it is this group of parents that provides the foundation, supporting the Band Program and the Director.
Running a successful program costs money, and unfortunately our school budget does not cover many of the necessities. Fundraising is an important part of Program. There are two kinds of fundraisers in the Band Program. Monies raised through general fundraising activities are designated primarily to assist in purchasing necessary equipment, purchasing music, providing uniforms, providing water for the band at football games, hosting receptions for visiting bands, providing award letters and flowers, etc. Specific fundraisers will be designed to allow students to raise money for their own accounts (see “Student Accounts”) as well as help offset the cost of marching band.
The student individual accounts are maintained by the Band Boosters Treasurer. These accounts are in place to keep track of monies earned by the students through specific fundraising efforts. Monies in these accounts are carried over year after year until the student graduates, at which time any monies left in the student’s account will automatically roll into the general fund. If a student discontinues band at any time during their high school career or if they move out of the school district, the monies in their accounts will go to the general fund. Upon graduation and/or leaving the Band Program, a student may not “will” their account dollars to another student except in the following circumstance: a graduating senior may designate their student account balance to be transferred to a sibling who is an incoming freshman to the Band Program the following school year (e.g., the older sibling graduates in June and the younger sibling enters the Band Program in September).
Students may use their account monies to help pay for Band Camp, to help pay for Band related trips, instrument supplies or repair, or for other costs they incur that are related directly to their participation in the Band Program. To use their student account funds, the student must obtain a payment request form from the Band Director. The completed form must then be returned to the Band Booster mailbox in the Band Room, Attn: Treasurer.
This policy was established by the Band Boosters and the Director of Bands to recognize the fact that the student earns his or her funds under the banner of the Fenton High School Band Program, and must not profit in any auxiliary way from band fundraising.
Letters are awarded once in a Band Members career, in May. Earning a Letter in Band is based on the following requirements:
- Student must be enrolled in Marching Band, Jazz Band, Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble for the full year.
- Student must attend all practices, sectionals and performances.
- Student must do his or her part to participate in all Band Fundraising Activities.
A Chevron will be awarded for each year a student participates in the Marching Band. A student who completes four years with the Fenton Band Program could earn (1) Letter, (3) Bars, (4) Chevrons.
Upon completion of their final spring concert, seniors will receive an honor medal on a white ribbon, to be worn at graduation. In addition, seniors who have given four years of dedication are eligible to be recognized with one of four national honors; The John Philip Sousa Award for student leadership, The Instrumentalist Award for Musicianship, the Semper Fedelis Award and The Louis Armstrong Award for Jazz Achievement.
Established in 2002, this scholarship award is presented annually to a graduating senior who will be pursuing music and/or Band in college. The Fenton High School Scholarship Committee selects the recipient based on their academic grades and participation in the Band Program. Last years award amount was $500.00.
Established in 2016, the Bob Archbold Memorial Scholarship award is presented annually to a graduating senior whose life has been positively impacted by the band program. The Fenton High School Scholarship Committee selects the recipient based on their academic grades and participation in the Band Program. Last years award amount was $500.00.
To view our monthly booster minutes, please click the link below.